File Paths

The File Paths panel displays where program files are stored. These files include the Capture Express email address book, a log of sent emails, and where any program crash reports would be sent. The file names and file paths may be changed to different locations.


Note: The logged on user must have full access privileges (Read/Write/Create/Modify) to the paths specified. Error messages will be displayed if the user does not have full privileges to any specified path even if you do not use the feature applicable to that file path.


Capture Express > Options > Preferences > File Paths


Address Book

This displays the path and name of the file that holds any email addresses that you want to permanently store in Capture Express. This option is provided so that network users can each have their own individual list of email addresses. If email addresses are common to all users, simply point each user to the same file.


Sent Email Log

This specifies the path and name of the file that stores information regarding email sent. The email information will only be saved to this file if the "Keep a log of all messages sent" option has been set in the Email Settings preference panel. You can start a new log file anytime by changing the file name.


Crash Report Directory

This specifies the path and folder where crash reports are saved. Crash reports are generated by an unexpected closing of the program. The details of the problem are stored in a file that begins with 'error' and ends with '.txt' in the folder specified.