
Capture Express > Options > Preferences > Capture > Advanced tab


Automatic Image Counter

Include Image Counter in Default File Name

This option inserts a number after the default filename you have selected in the Manual and Automatic capture preferences. This ensures each saved image capture has a unique file name such as default001, default 002, etc.

Otherwise the saved images would be overwritten each time if the file name did not change.


Image Counter

This field displays the next number used in the file name if you include the image counter in the default file name. If your default filename is image.jpg, the counter starts at 30 and you select 4 digits, the image would be saved to image0030.jpg. The following image would be saved to image0031.jpg, etc.


Note: The value displayed in the Image Counter is the last used value and it will be incremented when a capture occurs. The first time the program is run, the counter is set at 0. The first capture image will include 001 in the image name.


Number of Digits

Insert in this field the number of digits to be used in the image counter. If your default filename is image.jpg and you select 3 digits, then the first image saved would be image003.jpg.



Repeat Automatic Capture
This option allows you to set up a schedule to automatically capture images at regular intervals. Pressing the Automatic Capture hot key starts the repeating capture sequence if you have selected this option. The type of image to be captured and how it is stored are defined in the Automatic Capture preferences.

Capture image every ______  ________
Fill in the blanks to determine the frequency of the capture. Choose from the drop down list if the frequency is seconds, minutes or hours. In the first blank insert the number of seconds, minutes, or hours between each capture.
Repeat _______ Times
This number indicates how many times an image is captured.  

In the screen shot example displayed above, an image is captured every 30 minutes. This sequence repeats 12 times during a period of six hours. After the 12th capture the Repeat Automatic Capture sequence is finished.



There is a delay from the time you click on the Capture Button to capture an image to the time that Capture Express actually takes the snapshot of the screen or image. This allows the image to return to its original colors before the capture takes place. If you are trying to capture video images, you will find the image that is captured may be a second or so after you click the Capture button.


Wait _____ Milliseconds before Capture Starts

This option inserts a slight delay before the start of a capture to allow Windows to settle down before the actual screen capture takes place.


Wait _____ Milliseconds to Restore Reverse Video Highlight

If you selected the option to highlight images using reverse video, this delay allows time for the image to return to its normal view before the capture takes place.


Wait _____ Milliseconds after Capture

Insert a small delay after the capture of an image before Capture Express continues to save the image, display it, etc.


Grab Outline Delay

As the image outline is moved, the operating system attempts to repeatedly draw the outline as the move occurs. The Grab Outline Delay function instructs the operating system to not redraw the lines so frequently to avoid overlapping lines, ghosting, etc.


Use the Hardware High-Speed Timer when Possible

Some computers make use of a high speed timer. Capture Express will make use of this timer in calculating delays. If your system does not use this timer, then you would want to leave this option unchecked. On other systems the timer does not work properly. In this case you would also not select this option.